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Forex trading or stock trading is a type of trade that the movement is very quick. Though both are similar in principle, there are some differences that are pretty basic. This is the condition that would affect the way the analysis of a trader. In trading, there are 5 stages that must be traversed by each trader. The five stages described the capability and wisdom in addressing trader and do a market analysis.
Early stages of childhood, in the world of Trading
Just as human growth cycle, trading also began from the phase of children. In this phase, a trader is still not fully understand what it is and how trading should take a stance when faced with certain situations. The beginning stages of the Unconscious Incompetence. This is the stage where a trader is still not aware that he did not know much about trading. A novice trader generally considers too lightly, even though trading them yet know nothing about trading.
At this stage many traders who disadarkan of loss is experienced. Loss that occurs is not generally only happens once, it will be but until some times even up to the trader almost insolvent. This time they realized that they did not know anything about trading. At this point, they begin to realize the stupidity. This stage is called the conscious incompetence conscious stages or if her stupid. At this stage the traders will begin to learn everything about trading things ranging from the most basic to the things that its practical.
At this stage of conscious incompetence, traders seemed to be an Explorer. They will switch from one trading system to other trading systems and tried several trading indicators. They will also be consulting with the many professional traders and ask millions of questions about trading. However, the more precisely they are increasingly asking, don't understand why professional traders can earn profit in stable while they are not. This is a dangerous step because it is the culmination of a frustrating. However, when a novice trader can survive from this stage, they will reach the stage of enlightenment or the eureka moment. At this stage the novice trader began to realize that the key is not the tool but the mindset and money management.
The Attainment Of Wisdom
The fourth stage is the stage of Conscious Competence or begin to be aware of the capabilities. At this stage tended to trade trader trading signal signal. Traders who are at this stage had started to control his emotions. Usually they also recently able to achieve breakeven only. But the longer the ability of traders to be increasing along with the learning and experience gained during trading. The last stage is the stage of Unconscious Competence. This is the stage where the ability of trading is already ingrained in a trader. This is the highest point in trading. At this stage you are already very familiar with the trading. Just like driving a car, every action you do seems to have become a regular thing. You don't have to think too long or doing market analysis. At this stage, the profit is almost always what you get.
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