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If you are a trader who is still beginner, you may be a bit confused with the things you would do when you enter the world of forex trading for the first time. Maybe you will be surprised because of the theory that you get at the bench education does not help you a lot and even contradict each other, but so do you panic because there are many people like you who ask what the hell is that supposed to be carried out by a trader? or, how the heck did the work that made it a trader? You might first consider these questions is a funny question, but now you're stressed out to answer it.
Tasks Trader According To Layman's Answer
If you ask these questions to the layman, they'll answer immediately that the work a forex trader is selling and buying the currency. Perhaps there will also be answered that the work performed by the trader is looking at the chart and clicking the mouse. There is also a kerjaanya who told me Just sit in an air conditioned space. That's how it looks on the surface, but you as a trader must not be satisfied with doing the things above right? There are many things metsi performed by a trader who wants to be successful.
The Task Of A Professional Trader
In general the task of the trader is seeking profits from investments that have been made. Roughly your goal is get as many pips a month. But this is your goal, the goal of your assignment. Your task is to perform risk management where You should be able to take into account the revenue ratio and risk covered. This requires sharp where there are many factors that affect so you must be carefully mencermatinya.
The task of the next trader is developing our investment. To be able to develop investment, all you have to do is work hard and have to survive in this world of forex market. You must be very careful because the forex world is very cruel. Your little one make a decision then losses have certainly become rewards for you. Therefore, the next task is to get the maximum benefit from every position and the decision taken, albeit for just a few dollars only, which is clearly not to losers. To that end, the task of the next trader is making a trading plan that will be the ultimate guide you in doing your job as a trader. Trading the plan should cover a few things such as when you enter the market, indicators and system which would you follow, what benchmark You close the position, how you handle risk appears, stop-loss criteria on each of your position, percent margin y ang should You profess, and when you will be out of the market. With trading the plan then Your tasks will be more detailed and well organised.
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