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Good forex trading or trading stocks, both of which are equally high risk. In general all traders already understand it. But the fact remains that many traders lose money and go bankrupt. This certainly raises one big question. Why most traders more often experienced loss? According to some research that has been done, the trigger factor loss turned out to be more psychologically affected by the trader. Frequent traders experienced loss generally do not have a good self-control. Predictions carried out also tend to be subjective and too excessive.
Less understand the Trend and sloppy
This is a problem that is often experienced by newcomers. Most newcomers are too blinded by the lure of big profits. Trading is indeed capable of providing large profits for pelakukanya. But obviously on one condition. The trader must know how to earn profit. In trading, there is one thing that should not be disepelekan. That is the trend of the market. For experienced traders, sometimes they do take that impressed against the current. However, such action was not entirely because they want to fight against the current. Experience and analysis period of these men that sparked their doing so. But without data analytical techniques and proper decisions like this will smother the trader at a loss.
For the novice trader, they certainly haven't been able to do so. Because it's the safest way to obtain a stable profit is to follow the trend is going. But they still need to know how to analyze trends. Things like this can only be done with the experience and observations of continuously. Therefore it's good you're honing this ability before plunging directly into the world of trading.
Traders generally still too sloppy. When they make mistakes and suffer losses, they don't want to admit it. Instead, they just want revenge so that encourages them to act hastily and blindly. Brokers and market news is indeed a source of information that will determine Your decision making. But the decision remains in the hands of you. Therefore, if you are experiencing losses on those decisions don't blame the brokers or the market. Accept your mistakes and find out where lies your mistake.
Does Not Have A Specific Strategy
This is usually experienced by a novice trader. They are likely to enter the market with a strategy that is changeable. There is no special strategy used. This is generally due to ignorance of the strategy trader will be right for them. If they know, they have yet to fully test the strategies. Therefore they are not consistent in the use of such strategies. The best way to determine the right strategy is to master the strategies and test it on an ongoing basis. But do not test the strategy using Your real account. Simply use your virtual account only.
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